Integracja rozwiązań dla instalacji telekomunikacyjnych i operatorów kablowych

TELKOM-TELMOR awarded in the Pomeranian Employer of the Year 2015 contest

On 12 February this year, during the official Evening Gala held at the AmberExpo Exhibition and Convention Centre in Gdańsk, we heard the announcement of the results of the Pomeranian Employer of the Year 2015 contest, organised by Pracodawcy Pomorza.

The contest, held for the 6th year running, aims to promote Pomeranian companies distinguished not only by their good financial results, but also by favourable conditions for work and development of their employees. The organisers want to promote employers who, through their actions, contribute towards economic development of the country and the region.

Distinctions and awards are given in three categories: to small, medium and large enterprises. Our company was named the Winner in the medium enterprise category. The jury appreciated our efforts in improving the working conditions of our employees, as well as our actions in the scope of social responsibility of business.

As it was the case in the previous years, the Evening Gala brought together not only Pomeranian entrepreneurs, but also public authorities and local government officials, as well as representatives of the science and culture communities, with the participation of special guests. The event was attended by over 600 participants. It was the perfect opportunity to share business experiences and to discuss politics, business and culture.


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