Integracja rozwiązań dla instalacji telekomunikacyjnych i operatorów kablowych

TT6 102 Trishield

TT6 102 Trishield

High quality new coax cables line - TT6 102 Trishield prepared for every possible application.

TT6 cables are based on RG6 standard. All cables have 3 screening layers which perfectly protect RF signal from any interferiences. All cables are A+ CLASS providing >110dBi screening efectiveness.

In order to meet our partners and clients expectations we’ve prepared cables with copper clad steel and fully copper cores. Screen is made from aluminium - foil, braid, foil.
Both CCS and Cu are available with Eca and Dca class fire reaction certification.


Product features:

  • 1,02mm copper or copper clad steel cores,
  • >77% braid coverage,
  • physically foamed dielectric,
  • very strict production rigors,
  • CPR compliant Dca, Eca (depending on type),
  • available on 100m, 305m rolls,
  • Class A+ screening,
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