PCT is widely known for its patented compression connector technology, but is always looking for new ways to improve the quality of the drop. That attentiveness brings another breakthrough feature to our compression connector, the PCT-TRSXL-6LKMG, making it even better than ever!
One of the most common mistakes made by self-installers, and even by many trained technicians, during an installation is improper connector tightening. This oversight leads to interruptions and degraded performance in both video and data services resulting in countless truck rolls.
PCT’s continuous ground feature - standard on our PCT-TRSXL-6LKMG connector - maintains greater immunity to ingress and egress due to loose connections, both inside and outside of the home. Laboratory testing has proven that, even in a loosened state, the PCT-TRSXL-6LKMG’s unique features provide continuous grounding and enhanced shielding.
PCT-TRSXL-6LKMG connector is designed with a 21 mm stroke length to be compatible with the most commonly used compression tools, including horseshoe designs.
PCT stands behind the philosophy that a tight connection is always the best connection but understands that an installation completed by a customer or installer may run the chance of being less than perfect.
That’s why PCT develops products that help avoid service related issues, increase customer satisfaction and lower operational expenses for operators.
- Continuous Ground - BeCu wave washer provides improved ground contact when both tight and loose
- Enhanced Shielding - Enhanced shielding effectiveness when loose
- Dual Function Nut - Knurled feature facilitates tightening by hand while hex feature allows wrench tightening
- 21 mm Stroke Length - Compatible with most commonly used compression tools (see Tooling on next page)
- All Metal Design - 100% brass body construction
- Dual O-Ring Design - Delivers a superior barrier against moisture intrusion Metal Compression Rings - Stay compressed and won’t break downover time