Integracja rozwiązań dla instalacji telekomunikacyjnych i operatorów kablowych

STWK-810 - 8+1 way SMATV amplifier

STWK-810 - wzmacniacz magistrali multiswitchowej 8+1

STWK-810 is a 9/9 SMATV amplifier with very high input signal level: SAT - 115 dBμV and TER - 117 dBμV. Therefore, it can be installed directly with the converters: LNB output ~85 +25 results in 110 dBμV gain eliminating the risk of distortion.

STWK-810 utilises the innovative concepts and the latest T-urbo-T family solution for use in community antenna systems. It can be used to amplify signals when more than three multiswitches have to be used in a cascade connection due to a large number of recipients, or in case of long distance between the multiswitch cascade and a satellite antenna. The amplifier has a built-in cable loss correction function.

Depending on individual user needs, the STWK-810 can be supplied with a local and remote power source. The gain and slope is adjusted with dip switches, so the amplifier can be balanced without the need to connect a meter directly, as in this case readings from the socket are sufficient. The amplifier is dedicated to the T-urbo-T line, but it can be successfully used with other standard products from TELKOM-TELMOR range.

The STWK-810 amplifier can be assembled on a common rack with SMK, or horizontally with special brackets delivered with the device.


Product features:

  • SMATV amplifier for two LNBs,
  • discrete gain and slope adjustment,
  • local or remote power supply,
  • very high separation rate between individual bus circuits,
  • vertically or horizontally mounted,
  • very high SAT and TERR input signal levels,
  • remote or local LNB power supply.


 STWK-810 datasheet [200.70 kB]
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