Integracja rozwiązań dla instalacji telekomunikacyjnych i operatorów kablowych

Fiber Optic Adapter SC/APC - TGlass

Fiber Optic Adapter SC/APC - TGlass

A fibre optic adapter (alignment sleeve) used for connecting single-mode transmission cables terminated with SC connectors. The TGlass adapter, as a passive element of the fibre optic network, combines high precision in centring the connected ferrules with a diameter of 2.5mm and very low insertion loss in the created connection. The housing is made of highly durable plastic.

It is not possible to connect connectors with APC polishing standard to other polishing standards.




  • connecting single-mode cables terminated with SC/APC connectors,
  • installation in patch panels, enclosures, splice closures, outlets,
  • extending subscriber outlets (FTTx, FTTH networks).


 Adapter SCAPC datasheet [694.35 kB]


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