Integracja rozwiązań dla instalacji telekomunikacyjnych i operatorów kablowych

TurboT V3 VHF DAB antenna

T-urbo-T V3 antenna

TurboT V3 is a directional antenna dedicated to receive digital terrestrial DVB-T2 signals and DAB/DAB+ radio in the VHF band. Antenna features the innovative TurboT technology.

The individual elements of the antenna were selected to optimize the power gain in the frequency range between 174 and 230 MHz. What distinguishes this antenna from others on the market is a robust design and high quality materials used in production:

  • antenna profile has 15mm x 15mm dimensions and the wall thickness is 1 mm
  • director, reflector and dipole have 8mm diameter, and the wall thickness is 1 mm.

The properties of the high quality materials mentioned above makes the TurboT V3 extremely weather resistant antenna that will last for long years of usage.


Products features:

  • VHF DVB-T2 DAB directional antenna,
  • 4,5dB gain,
  • TurboT technology,
  • robust mechanical design,
  • weather conditions resistant,
  • easy mount,
  • F-type signal connector,
  • V or H polarization.


 T-urbo-T V3 - datasheet [228.12 kB]
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