Thank you for meeting with you during the Conference in Belgrade.We presented the latest solutions dedicated to the HFC and PON infrastructure, GPON and GEPON systems, as well as solutions designed for DOCSIS technology. See you next year!
On 12 February this year, during the official Evening Gala held at the AmberExpo Exhibition and Convention Centre in Gdańsk, we heard the announcement of the results of the Pomeranian Employer of the Year 2015 contest, organised by Pracodawcy Pomorza.
On 25 January, an official award ceremony was held to honour the winners of the Super Employer 2015 contest, organised by the District Employment Office in Gdańsk. The contest has been organised since 2011, with the aim to promote active and socially responsible employers.
On 15 October, at the premises of TELKOM-TELMOR in ul. Mickiewicza, a blood donation point was established as part of the “Noble Initiative of Employees”.
On the hot Sunday afternoon on the 4th of October, we saw the launch of the 2nd Companies Relay Race - an event organised especially for the employees of Pomeranian companies.